Stefano Sanna
Stefano Sanna’s permanent art exhibition takes place in San Pantaleo in a gallery open seven days a week ending September 30. The exhibition will then move towards Europe and the US for a winter-long tour. It’s the right time to meet Sanna in person, and learn more about his unique way to art. “I have always been attracted to old walls, crusts, rust. My art is born from a respect for that which is already beautiful”. Rust, copper, lead, circuits, leftover pieces of scrap… There is no limit to the number of objects which finish on the canvas of Stefano Sanna. It is neither simple nor obvious to identify where the ‘painting’ begins: Sanna’s is not the work of the demiurge before a blank canvas – the neutral space, the point-zero of every painter – beginning the process of creation, but of the bricoleur starting from a world dense with objects, intervening in actions begun in other times and other places. He changes their destiny, subjecting the everyday to a new way of looking, revealing the intrinsic fascination of materials which otherwise would form pure disorder. “My paintings are born from subtraction, from removal. They are stories to sift through, to discover in time”. Man-shape, profile-incision, woman-sketch… For centuries, art critics have debated the laws of representation: abstract and figurative still constitute handy categories for cataloguing paintings which represent something beyond themselves. In Sanna’s case an appropriate classification is impossible, because the two registers live together in a tenuous equilibrium that is movable and always susceptible to collapse: opaque objects that present nothing other than themselves, imperceptibly, become transparent. This widely explains the huge success of the Porto Cervo resident artist, who is about to start an exhibition tour through northern Europe, USA and Canada.